Chapter 07

Going Sockless

Commando Ankles.

If you wear bespoke shoes, you can do whatever you want. You’ve paid your dues, and won’t look like you crashed on a friend’s couch and forgot to throw on socks. Basically, at some point you have to put in a little effort to successfully pull off the effortless look.

Going Sockless
Socksless: Consider it a faux-pas and resort to a proper ankle sock in a fine gage mercerized cotton.

Things to Consider

You might look comfortable, but are you actually?
The use of band-aids and foot powder are usually a sign
that you are not comfortable.
If you sweat, wear socks. Most people sweat.
Sockless is not a good business look.
It’s actually not a look at all.
Dress shoes and no shows
just don’t go together.

An Achievable Look If

You are of Mediterranean descent.
You are an editor at a second rated
men’s fashion magazine.
You can pull off a silk neck scarf.
You have a permanent tan and
you are related to George Hamilton
You belong to a country club of like-minded,
plaid-blazer and-penny-loafer-wearing individuals.

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