Chapter 04

Match Point

The safest, most standard by-the-book rule: Socks Match Pants or Shoes.

The theory behind matching socks to your pants is to create a visually seamless extension of your leg, color-wise. It is cohesive, without a blip. This makes you appear taller, and can also give a person more standing by enhancing visual gravity. Matching does not mean socks should be exactly identical in color, but fall in the same hue. A shade lighter or darker on the spectrum works well. It doesn’t relegate socks to complete anonymity, but they’re not screaming for to be noticed either.

  • Socks should command attention, not demand attention.
    Socks should command attention, not demand attention.
  • Etiquette Tip

    Be sure to have at least a few pairs of socks long enough so that bare skin will not be seen when you sit down or cross your legs. You don’t want to be sitting in a job interview, or front-row at a fashion show, absentmindedly tugging at your socks or flashing hairy legs. Think of it this way:
    If you’re wearing a tie, socks should extend over your calves.

  • If you’re wearing a tie, socks should extend over your calves.
    If you’re wearing a tie, socks should extend over your calves.
  • Factoid

    “Sweat Equity”

    Your feet produce half a pint of perspiration a day.
    Each foot has more than 250,000 sweat glands. These truths do not bode well for the poor pair of shoes that has to suffer through a season of socklessness.

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