Chapter 02

Removing the Sock Rider

Proper handling technique.

The label that sits on top of your sock has an official name: It is called a “card rider” and it’s usually everyone’s worst enemy. Removing the rider on your sock can indeed be a traumatic experience when it comes to most sock brands out there, but we, at Etiquette, use special machinery to alleviate this trauma, prevent you from hurting your fingers while trying to pull the socks apart, making holes in the cuff or desperately seeking for that pair of scissor that has a blade small enough to cut the yarn fastening. Just follow the directions on the animation below and you will be all set for the rider removal ceremony.

The label that sits on top of your
sock has an official name: It is
called a “card rider”

Follow The Steps

1. ID the Yarn Fastening

Take hold of the sock rider and locate the yarn that fastens it to the sock.

2. Scratch Gently

Gently scratch the yarn surface with your finger nails.

3. Yarn Loosens Up

After 2 or 3 scratches the yarn will loosen up and the end bit of it will come to the surface.

4. Pull & Go

Take hold of the yarn and gently pull it away from the rider.
At this point the rider is ready to come off and your nightmares are over!

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